It’s meaningful to make a difference in the horses’ lives from being
abused to total love and caring, which will help them get adopted
out to a good family one day. I also like the events for veterans
and their families. If you love horses and want to be a part of a
great cause, this is the place for you. It’s like being part of a big
family that all comes together to do something good, and in turn
you feel good about yourself.”
Dave Usher
Marine Veteran and Volunteer
[Allegiance Ranch] touches the lives of all those who step on the silt, clay,
and sand of Colorado dirt and grass. What this place has done was allow
me to write my own story on how I chose and found help. The ranch owners
provide an abundance of resources but allow you to get that help at your
own pace.
For me personally, I can find solace talking with other people who had
served and are going through life’s downward moments. It’s a safe place
where I can talk about traumatic moments in my life as well as help others
with theirs or have experience similar moments. In complicated world, we
need moments of comfort and happiness. [The ranch] gives me something
to look forward to throughout the week as well as personal fulfillment.
– Power Em, Army Veteran
Power Em
I know we can visibly see the good that the ranch does for its equine
patrons. Saving them from dark fates that most of us don’t want to
befall companion animals. What may be harder for many to see is
the good the ranch does for veterans and their families, in part
because we’re used to taking care of ourselves. Thankfully for us
the ranch is a family of service members and their families. They
get us. They know to respect time, silence and crabbiness. The
ranch gives us freedom to be ourselves, if not with people, with
our four-legged friends. More so to those we love who have served.
Watching my husband spend quiet, contented moments with the
horses is a real gift for me.